Friday, April 22, 2011

The DIY Photo Booth

Out of all the current wedding trends the photo booth has to be my favorite. Not only am I a DIY bride but I'm also a low maintenance bride, meaning I'd rather stab myself in the eye than get printers and a whole set up going with some one to man the station. This is going to be a low key "booth".

       Here's my plan. I bought a $4 pink damask shower curtain from Ross to be the background. Pink doesn't really go with the wedding colors, which are basically black and white, but it will probably photograph well. I love the bold patterns that people use as the back drop and I'm hoping this shower curtain is going to have the same feel. Look at these patterns below and try to tell me they aren't awesome, you can't!
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     Then I created some mustaches on sticks (another serious trend that I'm digging). See, you and I know that mustaches on sticks are a major trend, but my guests will be seeing them them for probably the first time and think it's very cute. They don't know I'm being unoriginal, it's our little secret!

          I went with a shower curtain because it already has holes in it to be strung up easily, and if I find another I like better then I'll just use it as a shower curtain. The mustaches cost $1 to make. I bought a piece of stiff felt for 99 cents and I used skewers that we already had for the sticks. I Googled Mustaches template and found this site . When I printed it I made the mustaches just outlines to save on ink, cheap thrifty!

       The next step is to collect more props and make photo share cards. I'll most likely use Vista print for the share cards and a photo booth sign. In this photo booth scenario every one is using their own camera and then uploading pictures to a website when they get home. Granted, you're not getting instant gratification from having a photo printed and put into your hot little hand but really, I think people will not even know it could have been an option. I've had the phrase "facebook these pics when you get home" slurred at me from across the bar many times making me believe people enjoy going home and reliving the night by seeing what pictures get posted.
       Here are some of my inspirational DIY pictures.
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      Do you think photo booths are over done? What kind of set up do you think it the best?                                        


  1. I've been researching photo booths and there are some people are lucky enought to go crazy with this stuff. I was planning on going the same route as you, nice and simple. Get a nice hanging material with lots of cute props. Let the guests do the work. I want to have disposable cameras where the guest take the pictures with the camera's provided. What do you think?

  2. We have sell some products of different custom is very useful and very low price please visits this site thanks and please share this post with your friends. Photo Booth Backdrop Ideas
